TRANSATHERM, the amazing heat conductive putty will help you prevent the freezing of fluids and aid you in controlling their viscosity economically and effectively in tanks, pipe­lines, pumps, valves, etc., without the use of expensive steam jacketing.
TRANSATHERM has been used to prevent the freezing of all sorts of material from Acetic Acid to Zinc Nitrate solutions. It is being used with great success to prevent the freezing of water, naphthalene, phthalic anhydride, diethanolamine, and saturated solutions of vari­ous salts, to name a few.
It will help you do these jobs efficiently with a very low first cost that is normally your last cost.

  • TRANSATHERM is able to help you do all these jobs without steam jacketing by turning normally ineffective steam traced systems or electric strip heaters into effective, efficient units. TRANSATHERM simply replaces the insulating air gaps with a heat conductive material. These insulating air gaps have previously caused users of steam tracing to purchase expen­sive steam jacketing and the users of strip heaters to install as much as 100% in extra heaters.
No matter how tightly steam tracing or strip heaters are fastened to the equipment to be heated, actual physical contact is made only at relatively few points. As TRANSATHERM is a putty, it molds itself to fit every irregularity on the surfaces of both the heating element and the equipment to be heated.
It surrounds the heating element; the entire heating surface, back, front and sides are used, not just the portion that touches! The area of contact with the wall of the pipe or other equipment has been broadened so the heat is more evenly applied and hot spots are non­existent. This feature is especially important with electric strip heaters.

  • TRANSATHERM can be used wherever expensive steam jacketed equipment is normally in service. It is also used frequently where steam jacketing is desired but impossible because of construction. TRANSATHERM may be applied to new equipment or existing installations, in either case, many advantages and savings are effected by being able to utilize simple, standard equipment.
TRANSATHERM is being used effectively on valves, pumps, pipes, fittings, filters, vents, control equipment, tanks, flame arrestors, pilot plant equipment, distillation columns and sprinkler systems.